Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Changes Of Time The Stereotypical Images Of Blacks On Television Essay Example For Students

Changes Of Time: The Stereotypical Images Of Blacks On Television Essay Ever since television began in 1939, African Americans have been portrayed asmaids, servants or clowns. These negative perceptions started to appear in sitcomssuch as in Amos and Andy, who were the stereotypical backs who never took thingsseriously. All those views changed during the 1970s when black sitcoms werebecoming more reality based. Although blacks have been, and often still, portrayed in anegative way on TV, there has been some improvement of stereotypical images ofAfrican Americans on television. There were five stereotypical roles of blacks between 1940-1970; the Tom,Coon, Mammie, Tragic Mulatto, and the Buck (Gray Recognizing). The tom wasalways insulted, but kept the faith and remained generous and kind. The coon (mostused image) was always lazy, unreliable and constantly butchered his speech. Themammie was more distinguished than the coon only because of her sex. She wasusually big and plump and full of heart. The tragic mulatto was fair-skinned, trying topass for white. Always well-liked and believed that their lives could have been better ifthey were not biracial. The last stereotype was the buck. He was the big, oversexedblack man (Gray Recognizing). In the late 1960s, there were shows like I Spy and The Flip Wilson Show thathad blacks starring in it. After, starting in 1971, shows were popping everywhere withblack casts (Changing Image 76). Sanford and Son appeared on NBC in January 14,Alba 21972, to replace another show (Booth 26). The show took place in South CentralCalifornia, where Fred Sanford and his son Lamont lived and owned a junk yard. Fredwas satisfied with his little business . However, Lamont, wanted something bigger andbetter. Fred would do anything to keep his son from abandon him and the business. Every time Lamont threatened to leave, Fred would do his famous act and fake a heartattack and start moaning to his late wife, Im coming, Elizabeth, Im coming. Lamontnever fooled by his fathers scheme, but he did love him and, despite what he saidabout his future, really wouldnt have leave him (Network and Cable). They wererated the 6th most popular show during the 1971-72 season, and 10th during the1976-77 season. The stereotype was still there, but realistic views were appearing onthe show of realistic lives of black men. After Sanford and Son cam on air, others followed. Good Times appeared on1974 (Ingram ?Good Times) Florida and James Evans were lower middle-classblacks, with their three children in a high-rise ghetto on the south side of Chicago. J.J.,an amateur painter, was the oldest, Thelma was a year younger than he, and Michaelwas five years younger than she. James, who was always in and out of jobs, madetheir lives difficult at times, but there was always plenty of love in the family. Thefamous catch phrase from J.J ,Dy-No-Mite became very popular in the mid 1970s(Ingram Good Times). During the first season, Good Times was the 17th mostpopular show (20 Most). Many black families related to them. This was the firstblack show that had controversial issues such as gun control, murder, and drug use(Network and Cable). These were topics previously unexplored on television. Goodtimes was one of the most original shows on television its time. Alba 3The Jeffersons were seen often on All in the Family from 1972-1975. TheJeffersons was an extremely popular TV show from the 70s and 80s. It was about ablack family making it to the top in New York City. George Jefferson, was a successfuldry-cleaner, with seven stores. He and his wife Louise, or Weezy, started out withnothing, living with Georges mother. They moved to a house in Queens once Georgesbusiness hit big. As he became more successful, they moved, with their son Lionel, intothe famous dee-luxe apartment in the sky,. They decided they needed a maid, andhired a black maid. Her wise-cracking humor made the show that much better. Thebest friends of the Jeffersons were the Willises, an interracial couple (Network andCable). The Jeffersons had in its show what no other show had. Many other showshad a few episodes with interracial relationships, yet, The Jeffersons had a interracialcouple as supporting actors on the show. There were funny episodes, light episodes,and ones that almost made you cry. The Jeffersons wasnt just a comedy. It was ashow that taught America, and especially blacks, that if the tried, they could achieveanything. The Jeffersons were in the top 20 for seven years (20 Most). Can Hot tea really cool you down EssayFresh Prince had episods where you couldnt stop laughing, and some episodes thathad you on teh verge of yout seats. They delt with things that happened to everydaypeople from trying to make the cheer squad to buglury. It was number 10 on the Top20 shows in the 70s, 80s and 90s in 1992-1993 season, and number 6 in 1993-1994season. Family Matters showed focus on a middle-class black family living inAlba 6Chicago. The family included a blustery father, Carl, a Chicago cop; Harriette, hissharp-tongued wife and Eddie, Laura and Judy, their loud and crazy children. Hangingaround is Grandma Winslow, Carls and Harriettes recently widowed sister, Rachel,who moved in with her infant son, Richie. The real star of the show emerged halfwaythrough the first season. Steve Urkel, the ultimate nerd, was a neighborhood kid with aserious crush on an uninterested Laura. With his oversized glasses, hiked-up pants andhigh-pitched voice (Network and Cable). They were portraying the average blackfamily. Today, many black roles avoid much of the racial stereotyping that wascharacteristic of shows. There is a definite change in Americans view of thetypical black family, and widely opened the doors for other shows that came alongafter the 1970s. Although there still are stereotyping on minorities (especially blacks),there has been improvements that will help the next decade to take away stereotypicalimages bit by bit. Bibliography20 Most Popular TV Shows In the 1970s and 1980s. Nielson Media Research. July26,2000. Http:// Allen, Bonnie. The 1980s: A Look Back. Essence. Dec 1989: 82-84. Blacks on TV: Adjusting the Image. New Perspectives. Summer 1985: 2-5. Booth, Stephanie. Redd Hot. TV Guide March 3-10 1975:26-28. The Changing Image of the Black Family on TV. Journal of Pop Culture. Fall1998:75-85. Crenshaw, Anthony. ?The Cosby Show Changes the way Blacks are Viewed. July 20,2000. Http:// Gray, Steven F. Recognizing Stereotypical Images of African Americans inTelevision and Movies. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute. July 20, 2000. Http:// Ingram, Billy. Good Times (They Werent). TV Party . July 25,2000. Http:// The Network and Cable TV Guide. July 27,2000. Http:// TVs Disappearing Colorline. US News and World Report. July 13 1987:56-57.

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