Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Case Study In Chinese Independent Secondary Schools Education Essay

A Case Study In Chinese Independent Secondary Schools Education Essay This study is to examine the role of leadership in teacher professional development in Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley. The specific variables that will be investigated include teachers’ perceptions of teacher professional development; teachers’ expectations as well as the principal’s role in facilitating teacher professional development. Developments in leadership will lead to changes in the ways teachers work. These will subsequently increase the need to review teacher professional development. The purpose of this research is to establish how the dual of the principal and the teachers manifests itself in professional development. This research will be significant as it will examine the voices of teachers on how leadership contributes to teacher professional development. The research will be conducted using qualitative methodology. It will be based on a case study of two Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley. Data will be c ollected using questionnaires and follow up interviews which will be administered to elicit responses from principals, deputy principals and teachers in both schools. The findings will reveal the need for teachers in Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley to engage more in teacher professional development programmes in order for them to have a better understanding of the concept. This study will also demonstrate if teacher professional development should be the core work of both the principals and teachers in order to create a learning environment in their schools so that both can develop professionally. Based on the results obtained in this study, we will determine if Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Klang Valley need more awareness in teacher professional development and how it will influence the leadership. Keywords: Leadership, Principals, Teachers, Teacher Professional Development, Teaching and Learning 1.0 INTRODUCTION Having been a teacher for ten years and now majoring in educational management, I am very much interested in finding out the effects of school leadership on the professional development of the teachers in the Chinese Independent Secondary Schools in Selangor. Chinese Secondary Independent Schools are solely governed by The United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia (UCSCAM) which coordinates the curriculum used in the schools and organizes the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) standardized test. Generally teachers are not employed through the professional teachers training colleges in Malaysia rather they are appointed through individual school administration which is governed by the directors (share holders) of the school as they are not governed by any central system therefore school management is based on the individual school superiors. As a teacher from a Chinese Independent Secondary School, I had been involved in various professional development programmes in school. These programmes were mos tly conducted during school hours and often during the school holidays. Thus it is my interest to find out how the school leadership contributes in molding and producing teachers who are as competent as the trained teachers by the Teachers Training Colleges under the Malaysia Education System. This is because this will determine whether the Chinese Secondary Independent Schools are producing individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonic, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God, in line with the goals of the Malaysian National Philosophy of Education.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement - Essay Example Ethical dilemmas often result in such situations making the police officers rely on moral knowledge to determine their next step. Law enforcement ethics are codes of conduct or the expected behavior among law enforcers. Police officers have two basic roles or expectation from the public and their employers. Firstly, police officers are peacekeepers. This role requires them to be on the service of the public. On the other hand, police officers are law enforcers. This role requires them to be active in identifying and prosecuting lawbreakers. Peacekeeping and law enforcement are the basic duties of police officers in any country. However, it has been established that most police officers are more comfortable with peacekeeping or policing than law enforcement. The crash between law enforcement and society laws is the source of ethical dilemma in law enforcement. A police officer on patrol will be faced with a dilemma on whether to take a bribe for a minor traffic offense or to take the offender to court. Ethical dilemmas in law enforcement are directly related to lack of appropriate training for law enforcers. This essay will, therefore, analyze available literature and scholars who have contributed to the subject. The paper will also give a discussion on different categories of law enforcement dilemmas or situations that promote dilemma in law enforcement. ... Generally, most of the available literature tackles the issue from a law enforcement perspective with the intentions of establishing the conflicts between law enforcement and ethics. Another interesting issue tackled by most literature is whether ethics should be incorporated into police training. There has also been a growing debate over a classroom versus academy version of training for law enforcers. All these issues are captured by Pollock in his work on the ethical dilemma in law enforcement. Another discussion tackled by the same scholar is whether ethical training for law enforcers should be carried out during the recruitment process or it should be conducted as an in-service training. Pollock argues that ethical dilemma in law enforcement would take a different dimension if the training mechanism of law enforcers is changed. Finally, the author suggests that cases of ethical dilemma in law enforcement can be minimized by increasing in-service training. Kleinig (1990) is also among the authors who have greatly contributed to the existing literature on an ethical dilemma in law enforcement. In his article â€Å"Teaching and Learning Police Ethics† that was published in the Journal of Criminal Justice, Kleinig begins by stating that ethics are relevant to law enforcers. In this article, Kleinig identifies various factors that cause a dilemma in law enforcement. Kleinig goes on to classify these factors into police authority, police expectations, peer pressure, the crisis within a situation, temptation, and imperfect nature of humanity. The article goes on to explain various elements in police training program and their significance in the ordinary role of a law enforcer.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Women Role in Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women Role in Society - Research Paper Example Yet, in a modern and civilized society, equally they should be treated. One way to determine how women are being treated in our society today is to examine their roles. We want to look at issues such as domestic violence, negative and positive expectations thrust upon women, and whether or not males demonstrate superiority over women. We will do this briefly by examining and analyzing two stories. One is a book by Chinua Achebe titled ‘Things Fall Apart’, while the other is an essay by Maxine Hong Kingston titled ‘No Name Women’. Things Fall Apart This novel is quite interesting as it focuses on the tribal culture in Nigeria. We see the main character, Okonkwo, as being quite violent, all the while also having an ambitious outlook in life. Through the book, we see him as being a person who espouses masculinity. He exerts his manliness time and time again and certainly believes he is superior to women. At one point he brutally beats his wife in order to prove a point. This seems to communicate that domestic abuse is ripe is the cultural setting of this book. The author seems to be drawing awareness to the notion that the role of women in some cultures is one of subservience to the male. In this particular story, the reader witness’s masculinity being demonstrated in society by the beating and emotional distress women suffer at the hands of the men in the tribe. The role of women in this novel is perhaps best portrayed by one of the minor characters, Ezinma. Being the daughter of Oknonkwo, it is interesting to learn more about their relationship. The father quite often expresses his wish that Ezinma would have been born a girl, yet we get the picture that deep down inside he is quite proud of her. Perhaps she is even his favorite daughter. It is one of the only glimpses we have, however, of him really endearing himself to women, either inside or outside of his family. Ezinma does not buy into the notion that role of a women is sim ply to be submissive to the man. She becomes quite bold in the story and often contradicts the wishes of her own father. We get the picture that she could grow up to be a social advocate for woman’s causes. In the end, she supports her father and helps him out politically, but we get the idea that she wants much more and that her father will eventually allow her to adopt a different role. There have been numerous beautiful females like Ezinma over the years that have gradually reshaped the way society view women. Over time, they have redefined the way men are expected to behave towards women in a civilized and cultured society. The author appears to be hinting at that in this book. This student looked a bit further into the life of the author, Chinua Achebe, to discover that his ambition was to rewrite the perception of the West towards Africa. He felt that the continent was unjustly being targeted as uncivilized in many respect, particularly in its treatment of women and the poor. To get his point across, he wrote sensationalized novels, such as ‘Things Fall Apart’ in order to express that Africa is truly a misunderstood culture. Sure, it is different than the West and many practices are antiquated, but times are changing. No Name Woman No Name Woman is just one chapter of a larger novel that takes place in China. This one chapter alone is frequently used to analyze the role women in Asia, particular in Chinese society. We learn in this brief account that women who gave into sexual temptation were treated like the character in the Scarlet Letter – they were shunned by society. The main character’s aunt, for example, had to flea her village when it was