Monday, December 30, 2019

Meursault And Marie s Relationship - 973 Words

â€Å"That evening Marie came by to see me and asked me if I wanted to marry her. I said it didn’t make any difference to me and that we could if she wanted to†(Camus 41). When Meursault states this in Camus, The Stranger, it becomes aware, if not already, that his relationship with Marie is quite different than other peoples relationships. Their relationship has already been noted as odd due to the fact that it started the day after Meursault came home from burying his mother and showing no grief that he did. Meursault and Marie’s relationship is indifferent and complex due to the lack of emotion, the thought that you can get used to anything, and the peculiar attraction that they have towards one another. Meursault’ emotionlessness contribute a lot to why his relationship with Marie is indifferent. Since their relationship has started Meursault has always been more interested in the physical aspect of the relationship than the emotional. Meursault take more interest in looking at Marie than talking to her. He says, â€Å"...Marie looked at me with her eyes sparkling. I kissed her. We didn’t say anything more from that point on†(Camus 35). Meursault may listen to Marie sometimes, but it seems that he keeps her around only for physical pleasure and something to look at. Many times he references the way her appearance, such as breasts or skin, has made him want her right then. Meursault show no emotion in the relationship because he only cares about living life in the moment.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Stranger 1191 Words   |  5 PagesThe Characterization of Meursault in The Stranger In The Stranger, the author Albert Camus, initially portrays Meursault as a monotonous character lacking emotions toward the events surrounding his life. Meursault reflects indifference at the thought of his girlfriend s proposal in addition to not demonstrating empathy in relation to Raymond s abusive actions toward his girlfriend. Even so, Meursault s character gradually develops from a detached individual to a dynamic person as secondary charactersRead MoreThe Stranger By Albert Camus1365 Words   |  6 PagesCamus uses routinesituations to demonstrate how the protagonist, Meursault is not just another ordinary individual. Camus depicts Meursault as an independent being, disinterested in his surroundings, contrasting him with the majority of his peers. Meursault traverses the entire novel, exhibiting little to no emotion. Instead, he displayscharacteristics synonymous to someone suffering from psychopathy. Regardless of the situation, Meursault refrainsfrom assigning meaning or significance to his environmentRead MoreEssay on Love in Albert Camus ´ The Stranger556 Words   |  3 PagesStranger introduces a character that embodies strength, desire and confidence. Marie Cardona is a woman of simple needs, and is extremely driven to get them. Though she is sometimes oversimplified by Meursault, she never fails to leave his side, no matter their circumstance. Love is expressed differently by all, some like Salamono may tuck it away, only to release it when the lover has left forever. Others , like Marie, choose to boast it to the world without hesitation. This quality is her confidenceRead MoreAnalysis Of The Stranger By Albert Camus1526 Words   |  7 PagesWithout the role of the Arab, Meursault, would never have gone to prison, and never be tried for murder. Part C: Foil Character In literature, foil characters are used to bring out the distinctive qualities of another character by contrasting with them. In The Stranger, by Albert Camus, Marie Cardona plays the role of a foil character as she brings out Meursault s emotional characteristics. When she told him that she loved him and asked if he loved her, Meursault responded: I answered the sameRead MoreAnalysis Of The Way Meursault 1335 Words   |  6 PagesThe way Meursault reacts to his surroundings throughout the first part of the book is especially noticeable in chapter 1. Within this chapter, you may notice that he talks more about the setting of places and the moods of others than he does his own emotions. The story starts off with Meursault stating that his mother died that day. Following this, he attends a vigil which he says is fifty miles away. Instead of telling us how he feels about the loss of his mother, he proceeds to tell us that heRead MoreThe Stranger: Absurdity through a Lens965 Words    |  4 PagesThe changes in the lenses of Meursault ‘s absurdum are projected through the author’s choice of different language. The first lens in which the reader can see absurdity in the novel is when the protagonist lives for the sensual pleasures of the present moment. Meursault is the protagonist who lives for the sensual pleasures of the present moment. He is free of any system of values in his life. And he would rather not behave in accordance with social norms. Meursault tries to live as honestly asRead MoreExistentialism : The Belief Of Individualism And Choice841 Words   |  4 Pagesthe victim s family or friends. I do believe however, that if the criminal can show an overwhelming amount of regret and forgiveness, that a second chance should be rewarded. (63) 7. The use of existentialism and the absurd by Camus in The Stranger is presented through the thoughts and actions of Meursault. Meursault views life as meaningless and love as not meaning anything. Nothing has a profound meaning in his eyes, because we all will one day meet the same fate. (50) 8. Meursault is not a rebelRead MoreThe Stranger By John Camus1262 Words   |  6 PagesDeath, as an integral part of life, should be accepted and respected. However, in The Stranger, Meursault views death almost joyously, going through life without care or consideration, as death to him is nothing but inevitable. His opinion on death creates his identity, his own personality mirroring the carefree opinion of death that he holds. Throughout The Stranger, Camus employs symbolism of Meursault’s surroundings to convey the absurdity of life that is central to Meursault’s identity, causingRead MoreMeursault - The Anti-Hero Protagonist Essay1730 Words   |  7 Pagesor purpose. For people who are like Meursault, the anti-hero protagonist of Albert Camus The Stranger, written in 1942, the world is completely without either. Camus story explores the world through the eyes of Meursault, who is quite literally a stranger to society in his indifference to meaning, values, and morals. In this novel, this protagonist lives on through life with this indifference, and is prosecuted and sentenced to die for it. Through Meursault and his ventures in The Stranger, CamusRead MoreThe Stranger By Albert Camus1495 Words   |  6 Pages Albert Camus said, â€Å"Basically, at the very bottom of life, which seduces us all, there is only absurdity, and more absurdity. And maybe that s what gives us our joy for living, because the only thing that can defeat absurdity is lucidity.† In other terms, Camus is indicating that absurdity affects us all even if it’s hidden all the way on the bottom, but it’s the joy that comes from absurdity that makes us take risks and live freely without any thought or focus. Camus also specifies that the only

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Targeting Jews for Genocide Essay - 903 Words

Targeting Jews for Genocide When discussing The Holocaust, our minds tend to jump straight to the genocide of the Jewish populations of Europe. This is because of the approximate 11 million people killed during The Holocaust; roughly 6 million of them were Jews. Many people are now left to wonder why Hitler and the Nazi Party specifically targeted the Jews for genocide. The main reason was because the Nazi Party took the idea of nationalism to an extreme, new level. Hitler also thought the Jews were responsible for Germany losing World War 1. Hitler may have been influenced during his childhood on the ideas of anti-Semitism. According to A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust, the opposition and discrimination of Jews is known as†¦show more content†¦This gave him a reason to get rid of the Jews to bring his idea of a German only Germany to life. I think that this was simply disguised Hitler’s plan to gain support from the mass of the German population. It is also said that since Hitler grew up in Vienna, the capital of Austria, a place where anti-Semitism is nothing out of the sorts, and also a place where the mayor is known for his extreme nationalism, these ideas may have rubbed off on him (â€Å"Why did Hitler hate Jews?† 3) The approximate number of Jews killed in the Holocaust is over 5,860,000 (â€Å"36 Questions and Answers about the Holocaust†2). 3,000,000 of these Jews came from Poland and around 1,100,000 came from the Soviet Union. Over 90 percent of the Polish Jewish population was killed during the Holocaust (â€Å"36 Questions and Answers about the Holocaust† 5). A problem for the extinction of Jews was how to define what made someone a Jew. The Nuremburg Laws cleared up any confusion on who was and who wasn’t a Jew. On November 14, 1935, the term â€Å"Jewish† was defined by the Nazi’s as â€Å"Anyone with three Jewish grandparents; someone with two Jewish grandparents who belonged to the Jewish community on September 15, 1935, or joined thereafter; was married to a Jew or Jewess on September 15, 1935, or married one thereafter; was the offspring of a marriage or extramarital liaison with a Jew on or after September 15, 1935.† (â€Å"36Show MoreRelat edShould We Teach The Holocaust?1620 Words   |  7 PagesShould we teach the Holocaust in schools? The holocaust was a shockingly tragic event that lasted over a period of years and was basically the genocide of the Jews by the murderous Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler. It is a compulsory topic in history among schools in the UK. There are mixed opinions as to whether or not we should teach about it, the positive reasons towering over the negative views. One of the most important reasons is to discourage young children from discrimination. Although it isRead MoreMass Murder in Sudan852 Words   |  3 Pageswhat extent the mass murder in Sudan can be considered a genocide or a civil war. Resources will be referred to in order to support the argument and counter-argument. The situation in Dufar, Sudan will be expanded on, so that the reader is informed and educated as to weather the situation that is happening in Darfur is a genocide in contrast to a civil war. A Civil war is defined as a conflict between two parties within the same country. Genocide is defined as a deliberate and systematic killing ofRead MoreVictims of Persecution and Muder in the Holocaust854 Words   |  3 Pagessingle word of holocaust is mentioned, it reminds us of the horrible genocide that took place. Many people in our world today are aware that the Jewish race was a major target in the holocaust, but what about the others who played a role in persecution? Even though the Jewish population is known to be the main victims of persecution and gruesome murder under the Nazi regime, it is not much mentioned of the others who took part in genocide. According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, during the era of theRead MoreNazi Book Burning Of 19331089 Words   |  5 PagesGermany when the Nazi’s began their genocide against the Jewish people when they killed around five to six million Jews for being Jews. As early as 1933 the German propaganda minister Joseph Goebb els says in his speech as the books were being roasted into ashes that,†The era of extreme Jewish intellectualism is now at an end...The future German man will not just be a man of books, but a man of character.† This clearly indicates that the book burning were targeting the Jewish thinking and that the governmentRead MoreThe Victimization of The Jewish Culture Essay1409 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, hate crime has been evident through past, significant events. Events such as the genocide in Rwanda, ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the targeting of Native Americans in early colonial periods, and the lynchings of African Americans are mass-based hate crimes. Today, hate crime has become more prevalent with approximately 1,002 documented hate groups in the United States (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2011). More cases involving the violence of intolerance and bigotryRead MoreThe Holocaust : A More Perfect Union1060 Words   |  5 PagesWe the peopl e, in order to form a more perfect union Devan Shanker Mr. Perry Modern European History per 3 Although many recognize the Holocaust as one of the most catastrophic genocides in history, few acknowledge its underlying causes. Historians often attribute the combination of German aggression and foreign appeasement with the Nazi rise to power and success in completing the Final Solution. However, the power of the totalitarian regime originated from its domestic policy, allowing one manRead MoreWitch Hunts : The Salem Witch Trials Of 1692938 Words   |  4 Pageswrong about targeting innocent people for no reason or evidence. The Salem Witch Trials had left a long lasting effect on the world that still exists today. will it end? ( The Jewish people have been one of the most persecuted groups in history since the days of Jesus, since the years of the Holocaust and still to this day ( When the Nazis persecuted the Jews, one of the reasons given was the defeat of Germany in the First World War. The persecution of Jews reached itsRead MoreThe Events That Occur Within Genocide966 Words   |  4 Pages One very profound characteristic of the events that occur within genocide is how one group becomes the dominating leader over the group whom they are targeting. Most of the time, the group that is targeted is the group that inhabits the lowest people within that countries’ society. This explicit event occurs in both with the Aborigines in Australia and the Herero/Nama in South-West Africa. Both places endured a genocide that targeted the group of people within each society that the world believedRead MoreThe Most Deadly Example Of Genocide Essay1300 Words   |  6 PagesThe most deadly example of genocide, a type of ethnic conflict, in human history was the Holocaust, which took place in Nazi Germany and surrounding nations from 1941 to 1945 (O’Shaughnessy 2009) . The Holocaust was ordered by Hitler to exterminate the Jewish people living in and around Germany, leading to the death of at least 6 million Jews as well as many other undesirables and potential political rivals (Kallis 2005). Hitler wished to target the Jews because he saw them as an easy scapegoat forRead MoreThe Extermination Of Jews By Nazi Germany Essay1438 Words   |  6 Pagesreligious group. Apart from the logistics, strategy, or tactics of mass genocide, it is difficult to comprehend how an entire country can bear responsibility for the premature deaths of over six million people. While genocide, including the extermination of Jews by Nazi Germany, has occurred under multiple different contexts and is still present in modern society, there must be a psychological component to the cause of genocid e. Where was humanity in the midst of widespread murder? Shouldn’t there

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Cloud Security Architecture Based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption Free Essays

CLOUD SECURITY ARCHITECTURE BASED ON FULLY HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION Abstraction Cloud Computing is a new environment in computing machine oriented services. The high costs of web platforms, development in client demands, informations volumes and weights on response clip pushed companies to migrate to Cloud Computing supplying on demand web facilitated IT Services. Cloud storage empowers users to remotely hive away their information and delectation in the on-demand high quality cloud applications without the affliction of local hardware direction and programming disposal. We will write a custom essay sample on Cloud Security Architecture Based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to work out the job of informations security in cloud computer science system, by presenting to the full homomorphism encoding algorithm in the cloud calculating informations security, another kind of information security solution to the insecurity of the cloud computer science is proposed and the scenarios of this application is hereinafter constructed, This new security agreement is wholly fit for the processing and retrieval of the encrypted informations, successfully motivating the broad relevant chance, the security of informations transmittal and the stockpiling of the cloud computer science. Keyword:Cloud storage, Data security, to the full homomorphic encoding ; Introduction Enterprises are the speedy nearing new advanced clip in which we store our information and execute our excessive calculation remotely. With the usage of cloud there are legion points of involvement in disbursals and usefulness, but the issue with the cloud is secret informations may non be secure. Today, endeavors are looking towards cloud calculating environment to spread out their on-premise substructure, but most can non afford the cost of the danger of trading off the security of their applications and information. Recent progresss in Fully homomorphic encoding ( FHE ) allows us to execute arbitrarily-complex dynamically picked calculations on encrypted informations, despite non holding the secret decoding key. Processing encrypted informations homomorphically requires greater figure of calculations than treating the information unencrypted. Scientifically talked is a homomorphic cryptosystem, a cryptosystem whose encoding map is a homomorphy and therefore conserves group operation performed on cypher texts. The two group operations are the arithmetic add-on and generation. A homomorphic encoding strategy is said to be linear if the followerss holds – E ( x+y ) = E ( x )img alt="" src=""E ( Y ) What ‘s more it is said to be multiplicative if – E ( x, Y ) = E ( x ) * E ( Y ) Where E characterizes an encoding map. The cryptosystem that support either of the two operations are said to be partly homomorphic encoding system, and the one time that supports both the add-ons and generations of cypher texts is called as to the full homomorphic encoding ( FHE ) . Cloud computer science and Fully Homomorphic Encoding: The patterned advance of FHE has empowered the cloud service suppliers a better attack to guarantee confidentiality and privateness of user informations. a solution to the old unfastened issue of developing a to the full homomorphic encoding strategy. This thought, once called a privateness homomorphy, was presented by Rivest, Adelman and Dertouzous [ 3 ] shortly after the innovation of RSA by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. To supply the better security we are traveling to widen the security solution for cloud calculating with the aid of to the full homomorphic encoding cryptosystem. B.Principle to the full homomorphic encoding: Craig Gentry develop homomorphy encoding program including 4 techniques. They are the cardinal coevals, encoding, decoding algorithm and extra Evaluation algorithm. Fully homomorphic encoding incorporates two cardinal homomorphy types. They are the multiply homomorphic encoding algorithm and additively homomorphic encoding algorithm.The generation and add-on with Homomorphic belongingss. Homomorphic encoding algorithm underpins merely add-on homomorphy and generation homomorphy before 2009. Fully homomorphic encoding is to detect an encoding algorithm, which can be any figure of add-on algorithm and generation algorithm in the encoded information. For merely, this paper utilizes a symmetrical wholly encryption homomorphic algorithm proposed by Craig Gentry [ 4 ] 1. Encoding algorithmi?s The encoding parametric quantities p, Q and R, where P is a positive uneven figure, Q is a big positive whole number, P and Q determined in the cardinal coevals stage, P is an encoding key, and R is a random figure encrypted when selected. For the text m, computation img alt="" src="" Then you can acquire the cypher text. 2. Decoding algorithmi?s To plaintext img alt="" src=""/ Because the p?q is much less thanimg alt="" src="", so img alt="" src=""/ C.Homomorphism Verification 1. The homomorphy linear belongings confirmationi?s Suppose there are two groups of the plaintext M1 and M2. To scramble them turn into the cypher text. img alt="" src=""/ To plaintext img alt="" src=""/ Due to img alt="" src=""Equally long as the img alt="" src=""is much less than P, soimg alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ This algorithm fulfills the linear homomorphic conditions 2.The homomorphic multiplicative belongings confirmation To plaintext img alt="" src=""/ Due to img alt="" src=""Equally long as the img alt="" src=""is much less than P, so img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ This algorithm fulfills the multiplicative homomorphic conditions II.APPLICATION SCENE AND SECURITY ARCHITECTURE [ 7 ] : img alt="" src=""/ Privacy Protection: User is hive awaying their informations in cloud, by agencies of security it is stored in encrypted signifier and while conveying the informations cloud service supplier and user ensures that plaintext information can non be found to others. That implies both will guarantee the safe storage and transmittal of informations. Datas Processing: Fully homomorphic encoding constituent empowers clients or the sure 3rd party procedure cypher text informations squarely, instead than the original informations. Users can get figure of arithmetic consequences to decode to acquire good information. for illustration, in medical information system, electronic medical records are in the signifier of cypher text and are stored over the cloud waiter. Retrieval of Cipher text: Fully homomorphic encoding engineering based on retrieval of cypher text method, FHE non merely ensures the privateness and efficiency of retrieval but besides the retrieval informations can be added and multiply without altering the plaintext. III. Decision Security is the most widely recognized issue for Cloud Computing. While hive awaying, conveying and recovering the information from cloud server security substructure is needed. Encoding is the common engineering to guarantee the informations security of cloud calculating. To supply precaution to net and overcast services Gentry proposed Fully Homomorphic Encryption ( FHE ) strategy from his old encoding theoretical account i.e. , slightly homomorphic encoding strategy. Taking into history the cloud security issues this paper presented the thought of to the full homomorphic encoding strategy and proposed a security architecture which ensures the security of transmission and storage of informations over the cloud waiter Mentions new wave Dijk, M. , Gentry, C. , Halevi, S. , Vaikuntanathan, V. : Fully homomorphic encoding over the whole numbers. In: Gilbert, H. ( ed. ) EUROCRYPT. LNCS, vol. 6110, pp. 24–43, 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: // Rivest R, Adleman L, Dertouzos M. On informations Bankss and privateness homomorphies Academic Press, pp.169—180, 1978. Gentry, C. , Halevi, S. : Implementing Gentry’s fully-homomorphic encoding strategy. Preliminary version ( August 5, 2010 ) , hypertext transfer protocol: // Wikipedia. Cloud calculating [ EB/OL ] . hypertext transfer protocol: //, 2012-12-05. Feng Zhao, Chao Li, Chun Feng Liu, â€Å" A cloud calculating security solution based on to the full homomorphic encryption† IEEE 16ThursdayInternational Conference, pp.485-488, Feb 2014. Jian Li, Danjie Song, Sicong Chen, Xiaofeng Lu, â€Å"A simple to the full homomorphic encoding strategy available in cloud computing† . IEEE 2neodymiumInternational Conference ( Vol-01 ) , pp. 214-217, Nov 2012. How to cite Cloud Security Architecture Based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Analyze the Responsibilities of a Professional

Questions: Professions Australia has recognised the members of the Australia Computer Society (ACS) as professionals. What special responsibilities does that imply for ACS members? In your answer you need to distinguish between someone who is a practitioner but not a professional. 1) introduction 2) Compare ACS with other ethics 3) Examples 4) Conclusion. Answers: Introduction The study is used to analyze the responsibilities of a professional from a practitioner and how it differs in Australian Computer Society. Lately, there has been a misunderstanding that had been created within the information and communication technology (ICT) on considering it a profession. This has not only hampered the societys progress but has been recognized as a profession. However, being a part of a profession means acquiring knowledge for different types of learning whether it is medicine, science, law or ICT. Australian Computer Society Australian Computer Society is the membership of a professional body but does not represents a precondition for a practitioner to practice unlike any other profession namely accounting or law. However, in most of the professions, membership is connected to the ability to practice. Although, absence of professional obligation in ICT has resulted in employing practitioners at haphazard level of knowledge but it has resulted in inadequate understanding of the professional code of ethics in practice. When compared with other disciplines, it is seen that there is a scale of ICT practitioners ranging from university degrees to a minimum level of experience based on industry certifications who have gained some experience through on-the-job training and TAFE. As seen, ACS lacks the criteria that are required to differentiate between a professional and a practitioner. Responsibilities given to Practitioners in ACS On the other hand, the special responsibilities that as guide lined under ACS comprises of basics as honoring property rights including patents and copyrights, maintaining and honoring confidentiality, privacy, and many others. However, the special and specific responsibilities accounts for highest quality with dignity and effectiveness of both products and process of professional work while maintaining professional competence. However, providing appropriate professional review, knowing and respecting the existing laws pertaining to professional review, accessing and computing the communication resources while honoring different contracts and agreements with compliance of code are the specific responsibilities that are the guide lined to the professionals under ACS. Nevertheless, there is need to promote professional code in ACS as it needs to change the value of professionalism under changing attitudes and public perception. According to Jo Coldwell in Professional Ethics and Responsibilities considers ICT to be an immature profession, which needs to be developed and fully recognized system of employees as well as government. ACS different from other Societies It is strategically different from other societies like Institute of Certification of computing professionals (ICCP), Council of European Professional Informatics Societies, Computer Society of South Africa or Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) because it emphasizes integrity, impartiality, accountability, responsibility, non-discrimination, relationships to external stakeholders and relation to society. However, there are certain duties that need to be issued in public interest that not only comprises of high-level statements but also provides its relevance to employer, client or the defined institution, which is not the case with ACS. However, it is shown that many practitioners are not competent enough to recognize value of being a member of professional society. Moreover, they only seek to carry out their day-to-day operational activities as there is need to recognize ACS of its recognized profession by proper media coverage that promote ICT as a profession. Conclusion To conclude, it can be said that ACS is a practitioner level professionalism that does not differentiated between the degree and minimum experience as a practitioner possess. However, professional is learned only when high-level statement adds with professional code of conducts and not something, that adds to day-to-day operations. Nevertheless, the code of ethics differentiates between the societies based on the knowledge that is disseminated and set into professional practice.